The Best Choice for Treating Equine Gastric Ulcers

The equine gastric disease affects all disciplines and breeds of horses. Equine Glandular Gastric Diseases (EGGD) and Equine Squamous Gastric Diseases (ESGD) are now recognized as separate diseases. Previously, they were known as Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS). Both EGGD and ESGD occur in the stomach of the horse. The symptoms, risk factors, management, and treatments of these two diseases are similar. What are the treatment options for equine gastric ulcers? Squamous or glandular ulcer disease cannot be treated according to a "standard protocol." Each lesion is unique, just as each horse is. Horse ulcer treatment for ESGD: For both squamous and glandular disease, acid suppression is the cornerstone of therapy. The effectiveness of omeprazole in treating squamous disease is excellent. Omeprazole is from the family of proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s) that blocks secretion of acid. Omeprazole as a solo treatment for squamous ulcers will reduce and neutralize acid in the...