
Showing posts from February, 2022

Providing Your Horse With Slow-Feed Hay Has Many Benefits

As horses have evolved to graze on the ground almost continuously, limiting this natural behavior is known to result in many health and behavioral problems. Horses are trickle or slow feeders by nature. Slowly feeding hay at a naturally low rate is the best way to ensure your horse remains happy and healthy if he cannot access pasture 24/7. Are You Slow-Feed Savvy? The following are seven slow-feeding benefits you may not be aware of…… Reduced risk of ulcers The equine stomach produces acid 24 hours a day, and it can empty in as little as 15-20 minutes. Chewing stimulates the production of saliva (an alkaline material), which helps to buffer stomach acid.  The horse will create roughly five gallons of saliva per day in natural conditions with free-choice feed, and will eventually "recycle" much of the water content via re-absorption prior to outflow.  Effective Weight Management If your horse is overweight, slow feeding will help regulate insulin levels, metabolism, and corti